
Filters are used to apply selection criteria to the locations shown on the map.

Each filter allows the user to select criteria based on the values in a column in the locations data.

When they check any of the values in the filter, the locations are filtered according to whether they have the value(s) checked.

If more than one filter is set up then the locations are included only if it contains the checked values for all filtered coumns.

Give each filter a name to be used as a label for the filter

Filter options are shown in aphabetical order but you can add a list of option values to set the Order to be used. Any values not found are listed after these.

The optional Parent is the column name of another filter that acts as a controlling parent to this filter.

When a location is “Off” you can decide whether to hide the locations from view, show them in subdued colours, or let the user choose the behaviour. This can be set for each filter.
