User Options

Manage which functions the end user is permitted to carry out on a particular panel. The actions apply to the user view only; it does not overwrite settings made by the editor in the Presentation Editor.

Allow Panel Editing fPanels UserOptions editThe “Edit” icon will be present on the panel toolbar and the user can show/hide fields
Allow users to manually refresh data fPanels UserOptions refreshRefresh icon available on the panel toolbar. The data gatherer will be activated to reassemble the data, to capture any recent changes for that panel and any associated with the same DSD
Allow maximised panel The panel can be displayed in full screen sizefPanels Useroptions maximise
Allow removal of panel fPanels UserOptions removeUsers can remove the panel from the presentation but can reinstate it using Panel Recycle function, under User Options. This is checked as default.
Allow data sorting The user may change the order of records (descending or ascending) by clicking on the heading.
Fix Panel Position and Size Removes the user’s ability to move and resize particular panel. It is advisable to use this only for panels at the top left of the presentation layout.