
Emphasise certain records or fields in the panels by setting up conditional formats (background colour only). Create a condition and then apply it to any number of Panels in the Panels Editor.

Add a new highlighter

  1. Click Add a new highlighter.
  2. Give it a name (notes are optional, can be used to describe the condition in more detail)
  3. Click on the Build button
  4. Click on Add a condition and format
  5. Click on the Build button. The first white box is where the script will load once the condition has been built. Whilst it is possible for the editor to enter the script directly, it is not recommended as the builder will be much quicker.
  6. Select from the format drop-down a background to use if the condition is true.


Creating a condition set

The condition is the circumstance, which, when met, will cause the highlight to be applied. Some examples:

  • A Delivery Date had been exceeded and therefore needs to be highlighted in red.
  • The price of an item is below a certain threshold therefore the customer name is to be highlighted
  • A particular “status” needs to be highlighted as green.

Note: at this stage only the condition is being specified, not where the highlight is to be applied in the presentation; this is done later in the Panel Editor

How to create a Condition

  1. Select the panel, from the drop-down which contains the data field to be evaluated.
  2. Select the data field which contains the value to be evaluated.
  3. Select the appropriate comparison, eg Equal To.
  4. Either compare the field value to a value in another field, eg
    1.  Delivery Date is greater than Expected Delivery Date.

Or; enter an absolute value in the box below; eg

  1. The Status field is equal to “abandoned”.
  2. For each condition it is necessary to click on the Submit the condition button.
    Add another condition to this set if required. For example, to apply Red/Green/Amber rating to records, it is necessary to do separate conditions for each colour.
  3. Once the condition set is complete it is necessary to Submit the Highlight.

Default Class

Select a background to apply if none of the conditions are met. This is optional and can be left blank to leave the natural background.

Apply the Highlight

Once the highlight is complete this can now be applied to the presentation. For example; the new highlight applies a red background if a date value exceeds a certain date. Apply this to a field(s), or a record(s):

To a field

  1. Open the Panels Editor.
  2. Select the panel on which the highlight will appear.
  3. Click on Field Attributes.
  4. Select a field to apply the highlight.
  5. From the Highlight Value drop-down select the highlight item to apply.
  6. The fields in the presentation will change immediately if the condition(s) is true.

To a row

  1. Open the Panels editor
  2. Select the panel on which the highlight will appear.
  3. Open the Layout & Style sub-module
  4. Select the highlight from the Highlight Rows drop-down.
  5. The rows in the presentation will change immediately if the condition(s) is true.

Removing a Highlight

To remove the highlight, simply change the Highlight Value drop-down to No Highlight. A highlight item can be deleted from the Highlight module by opening it and then click on the trash can ; providing the highlight is not being used anywhere. If it is being used a message will appear advising where.
