
About Keith

Posts by Keith:

fRemote Groups

In order to share outputs (fDocs, fSheets, fPanels, fMaps) with different groups of user (both internal and external) but retain full control of what they can access, fRemote can be used to set up user groups and define the outputs available to each. First, in fAdmin, add a User Group to which  users may be(…)

The Security DSD

fSeries security works by executing a designated DSD which establishes whether the user’s credentials are valid and also gathers other information about the user such as their roles and permissions. The configuration of fSeries security is set in the Web.Config file in the fSeries web root. See below for details of how to manage this.(…)

Using TV Assess in fDocs Designer

TV Assess is an fDocs application that allows users of OLM Systems CareFirst* to produce high quality, highly customised outputs based on assessment data held in the CareFirst database. As all data comes from within CareFirst and is based on queries specified by the server administrator, no DSD needs to be created in order for(…)