TV Outputs

TV Outputs is used by local authority social care customers to generate quality documents from data about clients from any available source.

It is part of the Total View suite of applications and includes to following main features:

  • TV Assess (an fDocs application) for generating assessments documents (only available for use with OLM System’s CareFirst* data)
  • Client Chronology setup to gather date based information about clients from available sources into a single history of a client
  • User details including organisation structures for data access security
  • fSeries
    • fData to gather data for fDocs and/or fPanels
    • fDocs for generating general purpose documents
    • [optional] fPanels for on-screen interactive data presentations. 

TV Assess

Quality assessment documents are important for adult and children’s social care. Documents must include all information about the client and their assessment but must also be available in different edition, for example for the family, the social worker, the court and so on. In addition assessments are date specific in that the layout and content changes from time to time and the generated documents must reflected the way the document looked at the time of the assessment as well as the data that was current, such as addresses.

TV Assess provides a way of achieving all of these objectives without the need to store and retrieve assessment documents, and through a simple to use Microsoft Word design interface.

How To: Using TV Assess in fDocs Designer

Client Chronology

An important requirement of social care is to see the story of the client by gathering date based information from wherever the data may be. For example, for a child their chronology may include activities and observations from the case management system, document from the document management system, record of achievement from the education system, and episodes from the youth offending system. There may be as many as fifteen or twenty different types of data required in a full chronology.

TV Outputs provides a simple front end to fData to set up different “chronology types” to pull data from these sources. In addition (in connection with the user details option) these types of data may be secured to provide access only to those who may view those types of data.

User Details

TV Outputs may be used to store details of all users. This is useful if you have no other means of identifying those people who are permitted access to TV Assess, fDocs documents or fPanels presentations. Once users are added you can create a security DSD (or use the tvSecurity DSD) to provide login security for fSeries.

In addition, TV Outputs includes the facility to set up organisation structures against which user may be attached, and then associate permissions to view different types of data in the client chronology with sections of the organisation. In this way, you can limit who see what data in chronologies according to your organisational needs.

An option allows you to import team/member structures into TV Outputs from OLM System’s CareFirst* database.


TV Outputs is built around fSeries with the specific needs of social care in mind.

TV Outputs is delivered with the full capability of fSeries including fDocs and (optionally) fPanels.

As well as the free to use data group types, TV Outputs includes the following:

Additional options are available for ClearCore and Jontek data sources. Plugins for other data sources are available on request.


* The developers and suppliers of Total View and fSeries have no commercial association with OLM Systems.
