Data Group Types

Each data group type represents a method of gathering or manipulating data into a single DSD data group.

The types listed below are the common options available for fSeries but others can be created by advanced users for specific purposes.

Abandon Abandon data gathering from the current data group onwards if the function specified returns “true”.
ClearCore Gathers data from the ClearCore data hub.
csv A CSV text file.
data Manually constructed values.
fAdminsAuthentication Get the logged in user’s record from fAdmin admin/designer users.
fData Gather data from a separate target DSD
filter Filter the contents of another data group.
group Group the contents of another data group.
Jontek Gather data from the Jontek CareLink database.
loadErrors Holds details of errors in loading other data groups.
merged Merge together the contents of other data groups into a single set of data.
MSCRM Gather data from Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
pivot Pivot a column of another data group into a single row of values.
plugin Generic method of using an external component to gather data.
relative Locate data held within another data group’s internal Xml structure.
SharePoint Gather data from Microsoft SharePoint.
sql Use a SQL query to gather data from a database.
SQLLibrary Use SQL queries from a library of queries managed separately.

Please contact your supplier for details of which data group types are available within your license.
