Release Notes – fData

v3.8.1 (August 6, 2021)

CHANGE: The version of Microsoft.NET Framework targeted by fData has been updated to v4.6. This to resolve issues when connecting to fSeries server instances hosted in environments using newer versions of TLS and SSL.

 v3.8.0 (November 29, 2019)

BUGFIX: In Filtering (Data Access Control), filter settings were not being correctly cleared from the DSD.
CHANGE: The Telerik UI components used in fData have been brought up to date.

v3.7.0 (December 13, 2017)

BUGFIX: Fixes an issue for DSDs with multiple lookup drop down options for user entries which caused the selected option to clear on subsequent tests of a DSD.
CHANGE: The “Join” option in the Data Group management window is now named “Link” to better describe how two Data Groups can be linked together. There is no change to any functionality.
CHANGE: The “Access Control” section in the Data Group management window is now named “Filtering” and contains Access Control settings in addition to two new options – “Filter Function” and “Distinct Function”. These provide the ability for a user to enter a function which will be evaluated on every row of the resulting dataset. For the filter function, any rows which do not match the requirement of the function (which must evaluate to true or false) will be removed,and in the distinct function, the function will be evaluated and only the first distinct row that matches the function will be returned. Please refer to the function reference pages on the Fibonacci Help Site for further information.
CHANGE: Descriptions of sorting options within the Data Group management window have been improved to more accurately reflect the sort method being applied depending on the data type.
CHANGE: fData has had some minor UI restyling applied to information boxes throughout.

v3.6.3 (May 31, 2017)

NEW: Support addded for Query Builder data groups
CHANGE: Version number brought in line with current version of fDocs Designer

v3.6 (October 5, 2016)

BUGFIX: Invalid data item formats have been removed from the dropdown (date / sample / text list)
BUGFIX: Dashes cannot be used within IDs, and IDs cannot start with the “xml” prefix. This is for DSDs, Data Groups, and Page Items.
BUGFIX: Prevented user entering invalid characters when setting a new DSD Id in the import/copy option

v3.5.3 (July 26, 2016)

CHANGE: Placeholder list in Data Group window now shows ID’s only, not a mix of ID’s and descriptions
CHANGE: Cancelling out of the Connection dialogue box does not re-show the “Connected to server” alert in bottom corner, force the ribbon to return to the general tab or force the Open DSD dialogue to appear.
BUGFIX: Sorting User Entries is now fixed and sort in the correct order
BUGFIX: Validation errors are now correctly forgotten when a Data Group is removed and do not flag up on DSD validation
BUGFIX: Test DSD lookup object now copes with lookup options on load in select boxes and correctly passes changed values with OnChangeOf lookups.

v3.4.2 (June 12, 2015)

NEW: Product version has been moved to tie in with fSeries version
NEW: Data Access Control within Data Groups – allows you to set granular rules for field display depending on roles
NEW: Reconnect button to reconnect to the server
NEW: fData now detects if you go offline and prompts to export
CHANGE: Can now close invalid Data Group windows
CHANGE: Data Items now display depending on Data Group type (e.g: hidden for pivot, group, relative etc)
CHANGE: This version now uses Telerik Q1 2015 plugins
CHANGE: Visualising a test now auto-saves the DSD
CHANGE: Settings dialogue is now titled “Connection”
CHANGE: The error/warnings dialogue that appears when closing a Data Group window now references the name of the DG
CHANGE: Data Group Validation now includes DG Name
CHANGE: DSD Validation now includes closed Data Groups
BUGFIX: Test window now says “Close fTest Windows”, not fData.
BUGFIX: Plugins window can now be closed and disallows editing.
BUGFIX: Conditions now work where Source1 is a literal value.
BUGFIX: DSD Descriptions no longer wrap in the DSD Hub
BUGFIX: Can now have blank lines in User Entry option lists without fData crashing.

v3.2.0 (April 23, 2015)

NEW: Async option now in DSD Hub (defaults to true), to speed up Data Gathering
NEW: Saving and testing a DSD tests dependency loops
NEW: Applying a global placeholder tests dependency loops
NEW: Closing a data group checks dependencies
NEW: Data group manager now allows user to set depdencies for a data group
NEW: Project is now being backed up on OneDrive
CHANGE: DSD Hub now shows all dependencies (not just parent)
CHANGE: Resorting data groups is now not a requirement, and is now purely for aesthetic value only
CHANGE: This is the first version created using VS2013 and new Telerik plugins
CHANGE: New ribbon design
CHANGE: Data Group field lookups (in sort, join, data items etc) now populate as they are required, not just on form open
CHANGE: User Entry format is now a dropdown list – added Text List option
CHANGE: Placeholders, Data Items and Sort Fields all update automatically and no longer need to be applied
BUGFIX: Having a Global Placeholder and User Entry with the same ID no longer fails
BUGFIX: Timeout reminder now works corectly
BUGFIX: Closing Data Groups no longer locks on starting a new DSD
BUGFIX: Installer now doesn’t require removal of earlier version

v3.1.9 (November 26, 2014)

NEW: Now supporting instances
BUGFIX: Various bugfixes

v3.1.5 (June 30, 2014)

NEW: Added server checking to prevent DSDs from being created by the user via setting “fDNDSD”

v3.1.1 (April 10, 2014)

NEW: Test DSD allows you to close any open fTest windows.
BUGFIX: Various bugfixes

Version numbers not shown above are for internal use only and not intended for customer release.
