Configuring Multiple Client Outputs for fDocs

Configuration settings can be found by logging into fAdmin and going to Settings, and then selecting fDocs Multiple Print from the list of options on the left hand side. The following options are available:


This should be a comma separated list of menu Id’s that you want to offer the user to select from. For example, entering “tvOutputs,Menu1,userOutputs” would make the tvOutputs, Menu1, and userOutputs menus available to select from. See “Creating Menus” below for further information on menus.


This setting refers to a DSD which contains a “Client” data group, containing three fields – “FirstName”, “Surname” and “DateOfBirth”. Provided the specified data group contains these fields, and will return values based on a user entry of “ClientId”, then when a user enters a client ID they will see some demographic information about the client, enabling them to confirm they have the right client specified.


The option, when checked, will add all appropriate assessments to the list of outputs than can be generated by the user for a specified client.


When assessments have been selected, any editions specified here will be available for printing. For example, entering “Edition1,Edition2,Edition3” will mean that the user has the option to output assessments for these three editions, in addition to the default standard edition.

Creating Menus

Multiple Client Outputs for fDocs works by allowing the user to select a menu set from a list specified by an administrator. Therefore, a menu must be created that contains the outputs available for generation by a user.

This method is in place so that administrators can create menu sets of appropriate templates, for example a menu set around fostering outputs, or one on professionals.

To create a menu, use the standard menu generation tools through fDocs Admin / fSeries to create your menu set. Only menu options that are either Groups, or Templates will be seen by users – any options for panels etc. will be ignored.

Filtering Assessments

You may restrict the types of assessments that appear in the list on a menu by menu basis. This is achieved by adding a menu parameter called fDMPAppCodes that refers to the assessment codes that are available to the user, separated with a comma.



If no parameter exists, or no application codes are entered, then all available assessments are shown.
