Abandon Data Group (pre 3.4)

The Abandon data group type is used to stop execution of a DSD. For example, if a DSD is used to gather sensitive data about a client but that data is only available to specific users, the Abandon data group can be used to stop all execution (and therefore access to the client’s data) if the user is not authorised.

In his example the DSD might contain the following data groups (assumes the client’s id is a user entry):

  1.  Use the logged in user and client’s id to check if the user/client combination exist in a table of restricted access
  2. An Abandon data group to stop execution if the first data group returns a record.
  3. Get client details in the following data groups.

The Abandon data group requires one parameter: an fSeries function that returns “true” if the DSD execution is to be stopped. The function in this example is:


This checks if the number of rows in the UserCheck (first) data group has at least one record.

If a user now attempts to obtain data about the client to whom they are restricted, they will be stopped automatically and provided with no data.

The Abandon data group works by checking the test function and if “true” it changes the “if” parameter of all following data groups to “false”, thereby cancelling all data gathering for the following data groups.

Use of the Abandon data group type is not recommended for child data groups. If an Abandon data group has a parent data group it will be tested for every record in the parent (and their parent, and so on). The first time “true” is returned all data groups that follow it in the order of data groups are stopped, but not the subsequent execution of the parents. This may cause some confusion.

Setup and Installation

Data gathering plugin: Adandon.dll.

The fAdmin data gathering plugin definition has an id of Abandon, uses the Abandon class and the Test load method.

The  fAdmin data group type has an id of Abandon and an internal type of “plugin”.

There is no fAdmin plugin settings configuration file for this data group type.

There are no fAdmin settings or sources for this data group type.

fData: Uses the NoOptions control in fDataControls.dll.
