MSCRM Settings Definition

<?xml version='1.0'?>
              <setting key="MSCRMPrivilegedUser" help="The user designated to receive and process web service requests from MSCRM"/>

              <setting key=”MSCRMSourceType” help=”Overrides the default source type (MSCRM) for MSCRM data sources”/>

              <setting key=”MSCRMSource” help=”If multiple MSCRM sources are defined under ‘Sources’, this specifies the default MSCRM source”/>

              <setting key=”MSCRMFetchXmlPath” format=”longText” help=”Overrides the default location of preset FetchXml queries (default is the FetchXml folder in the fSeries Data path)”/>



              <settingGroup name=”Microsoft Dynamics CRM”>

                     <setting key=”MSCRMPrivilegedUser”/>

                     <setting key=”MSCRMSourceType”/>

                     <setting key=”MSCRMSource”/>

                     <setting key=”MSCRMFetchXmlPath”/>




              <sourceType type=”MSCRM” name=”Microsoft Dynamics CRM”>

                     <setting key=”MSCRMServer” mandatory=”true” format=”longText” help=”The identity of the MSCRM server”/>

                     <setting key=”MSCRMSSL” format=”boolean” help=”Does the MSCRM server use SSL?”/>

                     <setting key=”MSCRMOrganizationName” mandatory=”true” help=”The name of the MSCRM organisation”/>

                     <setting key=”MSCRMOrganizationUri” mandatory=”true” format=”longText” help=”The URI of the MSCRM organisation”/>

                     <setting key=”MSCRMUserName” mandatory=”true” help=”The identity of the user whose credentials are used to connect to MSCRM to gather data\nThis user must have rights to obtain data for a given CallerId, and may also be used to obtain metadata if not overridden by MSCRMMetadataUserName”/>

                     <setting key=”MSCRMPassword” mandatory=”true” help=”The password of the user specified in MSCRMUserName”/>

                     <setting key=”MSCRMSchemaFromMetadata” format=”boolean” help=”Specifies that MSCRM schema information is obtained from MSCRM metadata, rather than being inferred”/>

                     <setting key=”MSCRMMetadataUserName” help=”Optionally overrides MSCRMUsername when obtaining schema from metadata”/>

                     <setting key=”MSCRMMetadataPassword” help=”Only required if MSCRMMetadataUserName is set”/>

                     <setting key=”MSCRMTestUser” help=”The GUID of a user that is used for testing only.\nMUST NOT BE SET IN A LIVE SITUATION as it overrides authentication.”/>           

                     <setting key=”MSCRMAuthType” mandatory=”true” format=”select” help=”The way by which MSCRM users are authenticated”>

                           <option value=”” text=””/>

                           <option value=”ActiveDirectory” text=”Active Directory”/>

                           <option value=”LiveId” text=”Live Id”/>

                           <option value=”Federation” text=”Federation”/>

                           <option value=”OnlineFederation” text=”Online Federation”/>


                     <setting key=”MSCRMViews” help=”Overrides the default DSD that obtains a list of MSCRM views that may be used in DSDs (default is ‘fDataViews’)”/>

                     <setting key=”MSCRMAttributeNames” help=”Overrides the default DSD that obtains names of entity attributes (default is ‘fDataAttributeNames’)”/>






